Medical Astrology
Medical Astrology is a relatively unchartered and extremely specialized field by which an astrologer can look at the birth chart of a person when he or she is born and able to pin point the potential weakness or diseases or a potential weak organ of the body. It is a science and a healing art, which uses the information, derived from one’s astrology chart at birth to ascertain that individual’s state of disease and wellness.
Signs and Parts of the Body |
Aries: | Head, Face, Brain |
Taurus: | Neck, Throat, Lips, Ears, Larynx, Cerebellum |
Gemini: | Shoulders, Arms, Hands, Lungs, Breath, Oxygenation of Blood |
Cancer: | Stomach, Esophagus, Breasts, Chest, Digestive Organs, Ribs, Elbows |
Leo: | Heart, Back, Spine, Wrists, Forearm |
Virgo: | Abdomen, Umbilicus, Spleen, Large and Small Intestines, Lower Spine, Fingers |
Libra: | Kidneys, Skin, Lumbar Region |
Scorpio: | Urinary and Generative Organs. Bladder, Anus, Appendix, Pelvis, Nose |
Sagittarius: | Hips, Thighs, Nerves, Arteries |
Capricorn: | Knees, Joints, Bones, Teeth, Skin |
Aquarius: | Legs, Ankles, Circulation of Blood |
Pisces: | Feet, toes, Lymphatic System |
Note: Each house corresponds to a sign – for example – the first house corresponds to Aries, the second to Taurus, and so on.
Planets and Organs of the Body |
Sun: | Heart, Back, Spleen, Blood, Brain, Right Eye of a Man and Left Eye of a Woman, Vitality. |
Moon: | Stomach, Uterus, Ovaries, Breasts, Esophagus, Saliva, Left eye of a Man and right Eye of a Woman. |
Mercury: | Nerves, Brain, Mind, Tongue, Speech, Lungs, Breath, Hands. Arms, Hair, Ears |
Venus: | Throat, kidneys, Chin, Cheeks, Umbilicus, Ovaries, Complexion, Reins (?), Veins, Internal Generative Organs. |
Mars: | Nose, Forehead, Bile, Gall Bladder, Muscles, Sinews, External Generative Organs, Rectum. |
Jupiter | Liver, Arteries, Thighs, Hip Bones, Feet, Right Ear. |
Saturn: | Bones, Joints, Teeth, Spleen, Gall Bladder, Skin, Left Ear. |
Uranus: | Nerves, Membranes of the Brain, Spinal Cord, Gases. |
Neptune : | Brain, Optic Nerves, Spinal Canal, Telepathic Organs. |