I was born and raised in USA and I know Mr. Vijay Sharma thorough my Indian born husband though I have not been able to see Mr. Sharma in person yet. Despite that, just from my date, time and place of birth, he has been able to guide me through troubled times. Even though I have never met him, yet his analysis and predictions regarding my life and my future have been astonishingly accurate. Following his advice has benefited me immensely and has helped make a positive change to my life. I strongly recommend him to anyone who is looking to make their lives better.
Keriann Conlon, USA

I was looking for some specific astrological advice and one of my best friends who has known Mr. Vijay Sharma for years introduced me to him. Mr. Sharma was very kind to see me over the weekend. I generally do not believe in anything or anyone unless I have tested them. Mr. Sharma took one look at my horoscope and laid out my entire life history in front of me. I was and am completely won over by his competence and honest nature. He advised and guided me as per my queries and gave further helpful tips for the future. Now I consult him regularly. If you are looking for honest and accurate advice, Mr. Sharma is the person to contact. Thank you.
Satyajit Parida, paridasatya @ gmail.com ,USA

Well I know Mr . Vijay Sharma for more than 20 yrs now, from the time I was an MBA student till my journey towards Happily married life. He has always been great source of advisor .
The first time I met him I was very upset of not knowing my exact time of birth , but with his predictions only , which turned out to be exactly the same as told by him developed my faith in him .
T hat was the day my life changed with his predictions . sometimes even the dates of changes given by him been so accurate which shows his awesome capability of reading planets charts .
I am very impressed by his knowledge and accuracy of astrology. My experience with his predictions is beyond any words can explain. All the predictions given by him were so accurate that you can pre plan your events to come out of any trouble you are facing. My complete family rely on his predictions & follow s the path shown by him .
I take an opportunity t o thank him for his great astro advises to my entire family . The loving lord has blessed him with great capacity of making one’s life better with his predictions , so come let’s make it even better
Sushma Dagar , sushma.dagar@sap.com

I have been visiting Sharmaji since 2004 and over the years i have benefited hugely from his advice and the accuracy of his predictions!
What stands out about Sharmaji is that most of his clients have started coming to him through feedback/references/word of mouth – it’s thus obvious that people have benefited immensely from his advice…..found tremendous accuracy with his predictions….and thus have referred others to him.
I’m such a strong believer in him and his guidance/advice, that i seek his blessings for every big or small decision of my life – and for the last 5yrs there hasn’t been a single instance when i have regretted this. In fact, there have been instances when he predicted the exact date when i will receive positive/good results (my promotion in 2006, my Australia travel in 2006, my marriage in 2007 and many more)
Infact there was this one instance when i “did not” take his advice before leaving for Australia for a business trip and it was my worst foreign trip, ever! When i met him on my return, he looked at my horoscope and explained why i should not have traveled on that date/taken remedial measures if the travel was inevitable. The other attribute of Sharmaji, which makes him a very very practical man….an astrologer in tune with today’s fast paced/result oriented life, is that he will never stop you from doing something, if you explain to him how you must perform an activity. He will tell you remedial measures which are so easy and do-able. For example, when i had to travel to Australia again (after that bad episode) and i couldn’t have cancelled or delayed the trip, he told me to eat 2-3 Whole Black Pepper balls when i leave the house and when i board the flight. What can be simpler than this! And truly…i had a very successful trip (which he had told me in advance….in fact he had told me that this trip will result in my firm footing in my job, which is exactly what happened!)
Today my entire family, my in-laws and my close friends are his strong believers . We find his guidance and advice ” the 1st step” before taking any big/medium decisions of our lives. The 4 things he does better than any other astrologer, i had earlier gone to, before i m ade Sharmaji my “permanent advisor” are:-
- His eye for detail when he reads someone’s horoscope
- His education and knowledge in astrology and horoscope reading
- His practicality in giving solutions to one’s problem – he gives multiple options so that the subject can decide what’s easiest
- His professionalism and use of technology
Given, the benefits i have reaped ever since i have started following Sharmaji are so intense and so many, that i can keep writing on him, but i must stop now so that this email doesn’t become a “mini book” 🙂
I “Very Strongly” recommend Sharmaji to anyone who is looking for solutions, a clear path to their problems, who are tired of going to many astrologers/pandits and yet are unable to see the solutions to their problems, who have spent so much money on making trips to astrologers/pandits but haven’t seen as many results…..who now just wants answers.
Vineet Sandill, vineetsandill@gmail.com

Respected Vijay ji,First of all i wanna say u thanx for the changes have to my life since ever i have come to yr contected u. My life have been totaly change whatever prediction u told me that all been have come true. otherwise i as facing so much problems. I m realy happy to contect u. even as many as people had contected u by me they all r happy. By all these things we get to know that god never comes but send midiater like u. U r wonderful person. keep that continouse sir.
Kamal kumar, kumarkamal@live.com

Dear Vijay bhai sahib, I want to thank you for taking care of me and my family from last 5 years. I even remember the first day I met you regarding my immigration to Canada. You help me to get immigration to Canada and I moved to Canada in April, 2007. From the day I landed here whenever I had some concern regarding job, investment to buying house you always checked my janam patari and guided me what is best time to do. I am not hesitating to say that everything worked out as you predicated. I even referred my friends all have same option about you. They always thank me for giving your contact. I sincerely appreciate the time you spent reviewing my and my family janam patries over the phone and guided us appropriately. I always wanted that you knowledge should reach to more and more people and get benefit from it. I always thank God for getting me in contact him and I wish you great success in life.
Vaneet Jawa, Calgary, Canada

“I had done my charts done by you an year ago. Whatever predictions you had given me have come true up til the last word.You helped me know better.You predicted that, June 2009 onwards, there will be good opportunities & there will be career growth. You also told me that i will get a chance to work with a well known and large scale company, and yes! I got a job offer from one of the best companies in India in July 2009 and now I am working with them. Thank you very much for your support and suggestions.I can definitely say that your prediction turned out to be accurate.”
Roopali Nasa

Dear Vijay ji, I have known you for close to ten years, and in these ten years you have become more of a friend and philosopher, transcending a purely astrologer-client relationship, and all of this without any expectation in return. This quality of yours which comes from deep spirituality draws people back to you again and again whenever they are faced with crises in their lives. The pains that you take, and the time you devote explaining purely astrological predictions, which are always accurate, is what wins faith of whoever comes to you. Bhabhi ji with her deep knowledge of palmistry makes an ideal complement. Some of the persons I have directed to you have all become your fan. Only regret you have moved far from your original place, but that is necessary for your growth. I will still keep coming back to you. May God bless you in your mission.
Rajiv Parashar

Dear Mr. Vijay Sharma, I am impressed by your knowledge and accuracy of astrology. My experience with his predictions is beyond any words can explain. All the predictions have been very accurate & the way Mr. Vijay Sharma provides the in depth & in-detail analysis has been really helpful to me & my family.
We have been relying on his knowledge for may years now. And would like to add that his dedication towards finding the best solution; has been always at its best. Moreover he is truly a generous person at heart & always thinking of what good for the humanity. We respect him for his work and is a true person to know.
Abhishek Kheterpal & Pooja

We take an opportunity to share our experiences with Predictions of Mr.Vijay Bhai.We got chance on couple of occassions and were deeply impressed with his knowledge and his predictions.The authority with which he gives his verdicts adds to the confidence.His knowledge is tremendous and we were benifitted lot with his predictions,advices and corrected measures he suggested.God Bless !

I have known Vijayji for over almost 7 years and have been very satisfied with his predictions. Almost all predictions have come true. These are the times when work pressures and stress levels are high and one needs people like Vijayji who can help in showing the times future holds for us. His knowledge of planets and their movements and its effect on our lives is very useful. He has sound ability to help people by giving the right advise. By going to him, I have been successful in anticipating future events in my life . These have been events involving my business plans, marital life, family matters including children, match making for few relatives, health matters, travel and re-location matters etc..
He has the ability to suggest various alternatives to solve current and future anticipated problems. He does it by recommending usage of various stones to be worn or by reciting few prayers and mantras. He visits religious places regularly and is a noble gentleman. I thank him for the role he has played in my life and wish him all the success in future.
Puneet Nikore, Gurgaon

I met Mr. Vijay Sharmaji about one year back,say in the mid of 2008,around July.I was referred to him by one of my friend,Mr. Kamal Singh.He himself is a very nice man and was having his office in the same complex in which I was having my office.I am a Chartered Accountant by profession,in full time practice,since 1993.Mr. Kamal and myself was having something common which made us closer and one of the area was spirituality in which we both were having interest and whenever we start talking,the things turns to spirituality and in turn to Mr. Vijay Sharmaji,time and again.He was very much impressed with him and always asked me to see Mr. Vijay,at least once, and then let me decide myself about whether to see him again or not.
At last,on one fine morning at about 11AM,I went to the office of Mr. Vijay.what I observed was his unforceful attitude and not to push himself upon others.He is having his office on New Rly.Road,opp. fire station,under the name and style “Granth Gaurav”.The office was very lively and was having a good ambeince.A lot of certifcates and Letter of honours were there on the wall facing me.After a formal namaskar,he asked my name,date,place and time of birth and started his laptop processing the information.Once he finished,he asked to put my querry.I told him that I was not having any specific question to ask but will listen whatever he tells me from my inputs.He start telling me about me,my profession,my wife & children,my parents,about my general nature etc;what I can tell you is that he was almost 90% correct in his reading about me amd that too,when I have not briefed him about anything regarding me and we were altogether stranger till 15 mts back.He told me house by house,planets lying therein,meaning and impact thereof in my life,particularly.He told me reason and result about the events that happened in the past and that may happen in future.
All in all,I was very much satisfied with his attitude and predictions. Lateron,he visited my new office and guided me, from Vaastu point of view which were very useful.
Lastly,I can say that he is a person you will never forget once you have met him.His predictions are accurate,simple and having far reaching effects.What the important is,that he not only tells about the problems one is facing or is going to face in future,but also the solutions to minimise the adverse effects or to nullify them,at all.
May God Almighty give him the strength to help us when we are in crisis.
Rajesh D.Sharma, Gurgaon

Sir,Its great to know that now your cosultation will be available online for the people. let me inform u that when i was under tremendous mental stress,its only ur guidance which helped me to cope better with the situation. Astrology has the power to creat magic in peoples life,all u need is a right person to guide u thruogh, and let me tell u that u are the right person for any kind of astrological cosultation,to sail through the hardships .